& Sanctuary for Special Needs Pets
Serving Southeastern Massachusetts & Parts of
New Hampshire
Why donate to AHP? Because our life-saving programs are PREVENTATIVE. We do NOT use your gift to euthanize innocent animals. What if we could STOP them from suffering & becoming homeless in the first place?
AHP is Working Toward a Brighter Future The No-kill Way
Donate Supplies
A Helping Paw Inc.
75 Main S, # 82
Concord, NH 03301
Urgently needed: canned cat & dog food, cat litter, laundry detergent, dry cat food, pee pads.
Pennies for Pets
Children love helping out. A fun way to get kids involved. Simply collect as many pennies (all change welcome!) as you can from friends & relatives. Simply bring your rolled coins to a bank and ask for a money order. Send to our P O Box and we will send a special thank you package!
Need help with your pet? Click on: Spay/Neuter or Food Pantry
Does your pet need a home? We can help!
Rehoming a pet is not an easy decision. Home to home placement is often the right choice, especially for pets who may become stressed in a shelter setting. We are working with Adopt A Pet to ensure every pet has a home. Simply click the ad below to start finding a local home for your pet. Please also send photos and a short bio to us to place directly on our site to share with thousands of pet lovers. ahelpingpaw.@aol.com.

Putting your Donations To Work

Food & Supplies
Each year we provide thousands of bowls of food to feral cats and pets in need.

Medical Care
Not one pet should ever lose their life due to lack of funds for medical care. Our Angel fund gives pets the life-saving care they need.

It's tragic pets are destroyed simply because there are not enough homes. Our spay/neuter programs prevents additional unwanted pets & save thousands of lives each year.

Providing Care to Pets with
Neurological Disabilities
For over 20 years A Helping Paw has been working with pets who were either born with or developed neurological physical disabilities.
We call them our little 'troopers' . Often people feel so sorry for them and say they should be put down. True they have disabilities, BUT don't tell them that, they have no clue!
We have dedicated ourselves to helping these special pets to help their true personalities blossom!